Wayward in Oaxaca

Wayward in Oaxaca

We like to think that every event we host sets the bar for the next. Wayward in Oaxaca, Roark's Mexican themed event was without exception. Roark wanted to celebrate the release of the Oaxaca collection by inviting Jamie Thomas and Matt Costa to come out from California to skate, play some jams, and premiere the film 'Donde Los Terromotos' by Matt Costa; a psychedelic journey on their travels through Oaxaca, Mexico. 

We held a skate jam in the front lot. Thanks to the Clark family, we had the best jam set up we've ever had. They brought their trailer filled with obstacles.

We started off the jam with a high ollie contest. DJ Davis and Corseph ended up tying at 5 boards.

Jamie hopped on the megaphone to commentate our best trick competition. Lan, Corseph, DJ, and Andy all competed; with DJ securing the W. He ended up winning with Kickflip BS 50-50.

Matt Costa touched down from his flight and started warming up for his set in the backyard by getting a little sesh in. I was stoked on this shot I got of him hitting a FS Blunt.

There was something really cool about watching Jamie film Matt skate. Here they are scanning through clips they were filming.

It was rad to have some of the local guys I grew up skating around come out to show love and support. MILF Slayer and Clack Daddy showed up to rip around for a bit. 

Matt started his set around golden hour. He introduced himself to the crowd, and played some lovely tunes. I felt the backyard really suited his style. It made for a respectful and intimate show.

Once the sun started falling, we pulled out the projector. We put on some older Roark movies to dial in the mood.

Corey from Roark introduced the crowd to the film 'Donde Los Terremotos' by Matt Costa. A surf, skate, & climbing film regarding their journey, traveling through Oaxaca, Mexico.

After the movie concluded, Matt held a Q&A. He went into more depth on their experiences; specifically his experience climbing in and through caves for hours at a time. All to reach the home of deceased shamaness Maria Sabina, to perform an ancient ritual of healing.

An excerpt from the film reads "The prayers of Maria Sabina, to be accompanied by mushroom ceremony, are prayers of healing. They are a mixture of Mother Goddess Earth and the Christian Saints."

Needless to say, I found Matt's work, research, and words to be very captivating and inspiring.

I found myself walking away from this event with a deep desire to make more memories; to adventure outside of my comfort zone. It was hard for us to wind down from this event, and to talk about anything except for how good of a time we had. For those who came, we wanted to communicate the story of Roark Revival, and why we carry them here at Drift House. We thank you for being a part of this event. Onto the next one.

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1 comment

  • Anonymous

    This looks like such a rad event! I wish I could have been there! See you guys this weekend at the Duvin event!

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